Hey fam! Thank you so much for everyone who filled out the survey I circulated. As responses and phenomenal ideas continued to trickle in, we decided to push back the date of the online reunion to Friday, October 30 through Sunday, November 1. That's Halloween weekend, but we'll do our best to press forward in a way that doesn't interfere with trick-or-treating.
We are limiting this reunion to people who previously have attended SpiritQuest. We may offer larger, more inclusive gatherings later, but this reunion is specifically for SpiritQuest graduates.
If you are a SpiritQuest alum who is available to join us, please register here by filling out this quick survey to secure your spot.
If you would like to donate, you can donate directly via PayPal here.
We'll have a number of different sessions. You can attend the portions that you are available for and/or that interest you.
Please also consider spreading the word to your fellow SpiritQuest sisters and brothers.
If anyone has any questions or special requests, simply reply to this email and I'll connect with you shortly.
As Don Howard expressed, we're all maestros and we're all apprentices. We all have something to add. To contribute. To offer. We all have a part to play and can shine our light brightly. Should you want to make an offering for this event, the options for doing so are virtually limitless. Maybe that's giving a talk to the group. Participating in a group panel. A financial donation. Donating an item or an opporuinity or a service for an online auction. Your gratitude. Your appreciation. A covenant to be of service. We look forward to celebrating this magnificent convergence of kindred spirits. Warriors' hearts beat as one, and that heartbeat will be all the more amplified when we connect in a few weeks. Para el bien de todos!